North Korea food crisis, with nothing to eat its government bracing itself for a possible food shortage in the coming month

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Well, you must have heard a lot about North Korea that there is a lot of poverty here, but recently Kim Jong un himself has accepted that food crisis is going on in North Korea on a very large scale at this time. People have nothing to eat in many places and there is a possibility that in the coming year, ten to twenty lakhs of people in North Korea may die due to food shortage. Kim Jong UN said North Korea faces food crisis due to flooding, In today’s time there is a shortage of food in North Korea.  The reason he has given is that flooding and apart from that covid-19 situation. A leader like Kim Jong Un will never admit that there is something bad in his country, or that something is lacking. North Korea, China and Russia all this country which is a very powerful country, these people always tell about their country that there is no shortage of anything in their country. At present, even a simple coffee packet costs ₹ 7200 to ₹ 7300 here, black tea is getting around ₹ 5160 and coffee’s cost ₹ 7380 right now. If someone wants to buy a banana, then 3000 to 4000 will have to be given to him, only then he can buy banana in North Korea. The value of 1 rupee in North Korea is 1 ₹= 12 Won ( Won is the official currency is north Korea) . Now all the pressure is coming on the farmers of North Korea, the government of North Korea is asking the farmers to produce more food by whatever means the farmers are saying that there is no fertilizer available. This is a very serious issue of North Korea. The government of North Korea has said that the farmer will have to give his 2 liters of urine of their in bottle. North Korea orders farmer to collect urine for fertilizers agriculture admit shortage. The population of North Korea is around 26 million. Now you will be told how North Korea used to manage itself earlier.

North Korea requires 5.3 million tonnes of grain every year.  while harvesting only at the estimated 4.5 million tons of grain and relies on foreign aid to overcome the deficit. The land of North Korea is not so fertile that it cannot feed its entire population, for this it depends on other countries. North Korea needs 5.3 million tonnes of grain while they can produce 4.5 million tons of grain every year.  Whereas this government order 0.8 million tons of food from countries like China and Russia.Kim Jong un said his country’s food situation is getting tense, as acknowledgement of the continuing challenges inside North Korea flowing a year of major food damage pandemics shutdown and ongoing sanctions.North Korea has completely sealed its border due to the situation of covid-19. North Korea shares its borders with three countries, South Korea, China and Russia Federation.North Korea today claims that there is no covid-19 pandemic in their country.

Because they have completely sealed their border, due to which these people are neither able to trade nor transport food because they are afraid that once food travel starts, then covid-19 pandemic will be in their place too may spread. After that and like the country, it will be very difficult to handle covid-19 pandemic in our country too. North Korea has told that they are going to have one million tons of food shortage, this is a huge quantity.

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